My friend Brian and I decided to go for a ride as the forecast called for glorious sunshine. We both are struggling with keeping riding fresh and interesting as both of us have rode the same roads too many times. To combat been there done that fatigue I am riding DamTour this year while Brian is riding the lows and highs in the State of Washington a set of ride targets organized by Brian for the Washington State BMW club.
I was a member of the BMW club the past few years but this year decided to let my membership expire as my shaft is spinning a different direction. With DamTour and activities on the FJR Forum there is only so much time as I am still doing the 9 to 5 at a well known aerospace company in Seattle. I sold my BMW a few year ago. So it goes.
One of the BMW club low points destinations is Westport, Washington along the coast. Westpoint is certainly not on my bucket list or any other list I am keeping, so it is really low point for me. Before the 1980's Westport was a salmon sport fishing mecca, these days there are fewer salmon so bottom fishing is popular. My Dad used to go out on Western Charters back in the 1960's and often caught is limit. Bottom fish back then were considered garbage. When I was old enough to go out, I caught 25 lb salmon too, along with sea sickness every time out. It was four for four and I don't go out there no more, well except for Brian to catch his target.
So Westport it was and we included the Little Creek Casino for they have a fantastic buffet lunch. With inspiration at hand the route was set.
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We met at a McDonald's in Renton, Washington where I had heart happy oatmeal with coffee for the paltry sum of three dollars. Take that Starbucks! Heck the coffee alone at Starbucks will cost three bucks. We shoot the breeze for a while before getting started at 7:00am.
The fog started to lift just south of Orting, Washington along the Orville Road so I stopped to snap a few photos.
The Orville Road is a road we ride often. It is the best way to get south of Seattle provided you want to avoid the I-5 shuffle.
Being creatures of habit we find our way to state Hwy 7 near La Gande, Washington to enjoy a very fine set of curves cut in to a cliff. Brian wanted some photos of him riding so we did.
While waiting for Brian I shot a photo of my Feejer.
Then here comes Brian.
Hwy 7 follows Alder Lake to Elbe, Washington home of Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad where tourist can ride in an old fashion steam powered rail car. Elbe is also home to the historic Little White Church.
Back in the 1950's through 1960's our family drove through Elbe every two weeks to visit my grandfather in Ashford, Washington. Grandpa was a financially very poor man, despite owning 100 acres of land. Spending time there as a young boy I learned to love the outdoors. Grandfather would, in season, hunt for deer and elk and had a garden for food. Sometimes he didn't have to go far to hunt deer, they would come to him. Once he befriend young deer and named it Bucky. We have an family photo of me riding Bucky.
My Dad shot Bucky, in season, for food. Not much sense in having a tame deer running around for somebody else to shoot. My Grandmother was furious. Bucky tasted good!
Continuing with my Grandfather stories, in the late 1960's an elk fell through the wood cap covering the well for the household water supply. They never did get the damn critter out of the well and life got harder after that. Grandfather died in 1969 and the place was sold. Aside from the elk messing up the well life was good in the 1960's playing in the hay barn, learning how to use a rifle and how to fish in the surrounding creeks in the high country. And I remember Elbe well. The church was there and not much else.
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If you arrive in Elbe early, say 8:00am, you may get a photos like this one I shot in September 2002. |
Brian and I continue on Hwy 7 toward Morton. About 5 miles after Elbe is a terrific photo op of Mt. Rainier at point B on the map. Here are some shots I have taken over the years.
This photo is from April 2011 - early season.
This shot is from September 2011.
And this photo with a cloud cap is from April 21, 2012.
Brian and I play photo tag. Here is a shot of Brian on his 2003 ST 1300 with about 110,000 miles. Damn fine machine!
At Morton we stop for gas before heading west on US Hwy 12 to Chelalis, Washington then on to Curtis, Boisfort and Pe Ell by way of Pe Ell - McDonalds road a road neither of us has every traveled. A good road I might add.
Onward to Raymond for a break then to Westport via Hwy 105 a road Brian has not road before and my not again due to traffic after Tokeland, Washington. We arrive at Westport and get the photo he needs to prove he was in Westport.
Without a break we head to the Little Creek Casino, near Shelton, Washington, for a fine buffet lunch. The senior discount begins for those age 50 or better and the buffet is excellent, especially for about $11 each. Brian picked up the tab. Thanks Brian! Everyone enjoys the ice cold Dungeness Crab and Shrimp. Yum! We purposely land here often after a ride through Soutwest, Washington. Gas is also priced competitive with Costco and does not contain ethanol - a double bonus better mileage and low cost. I could go off on ethanol but for now I will bite my lip - ouch!
Crab and Shrimp feast!
After our feast we head up Hwy 101 to Quilcene enjoying the smooth pavement and and great scenery along the Hood Canal. I posted a Hood Canal a ride report earlier this year on the FJR Forum.
Arriving at the ferry dock at Kingston. We found our bus waiting for us.
This ferry was not wearing boots which I thought was odd. Ooops a flashback.......
In the ferry queue we parked next to a Wee Strom with a sidecar, this was not a flashback and I hope it does not become one! The design and installation of the side car is impeccable. But on a Wee? It goes to show how versatile a Vstrom is.
The End