My route was something like this. Plenty of twisty roads on this route featuring the North Cascades Hwy.
We met at a McDonald's in Arlington, Washington and left on time at 7:30.
Departing photo.

I decided to ride shot gun and take photos along the way. I first stopped to take a photo of Whitehorse Mountain near Darington. My photo stunk so I grabbed this one off the web instead.
The group stopped in Marblemount while I road on to get some photos. Before I could get set up the group road on by all of them following semi on a warm up section of the North Cascades Hwy. I say warm up for it is just outside Marblemount along the North Cascades Hwy where the good twisties begin.
I managed to get this shot of the group riding away behind a large truck moving slowly - oh the agony......

The next stop was at the Diablo Overlook where I caught up and once again continue on to get photos of the group.

We planned on stopping at the Washington Pass Overlook but it was closed. Here are a few images I have shot of the North Cascades Hwy over the years.
A wide angle lens shot before Rainy Pass.

Rainy Pass looking westbound:

Rainy Pass looking eastbound.
Liberty Bell Mt. at the Washington Pass Overlook.

In Winthrop I waved so long and head for Paterson Lake Dam near Sun Mountain Lodge. Here is my Dam Tour photo.

Onward I went to Omak and Nespelem, Okanogan, WA where I shot this photo for Dam Tour.

Just out of Nespelem, Cache Creek Road has a nice turn nearly right out of the gate....

I went to Owhi Lake to get this Dam Tour photo.

Next was the Bridge Creek road a very twisty road with all sort of interesting conditions.....

And on to Castlegar I went.
The End
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